We all work together as a team, so your pets will get to know us all!
All grooming services include a dental check, wash, coat conditioner, hand blow dry, brush through, nail trimming and ear cleaning if needed.
We do not use cages or cage dryers. All animals are kept in eyesight and have access to fresh water and space to relax after their grooming appointment. The front door is locked for our safety and your pets safety.
Prices are based on 6-8 week appointments. All prices include VAT.
Puppy introductions are for puppies under 6 months old. Puppies coming in for the first time over 6 months old count as a mini groom (if they are long haired) or a bath and de-shed (if they are short haired).
Long coat
(Cockerpoo, Labradoodle, Shih-tzu, Schnauzer)
Puppies under 6 months - £40
Smooth coat
(French Bullldog, Labrador, Mastiff, Rottweiler)
Puppies under 6 months - £30
Flea bath
Pets can get fleas - it happens! Sometimes we may find a couple on your pets that you don’t even know are there. Flea baths are required to kill the fleas. Flea baths are charged as follows:
Toy/ small - £10
Medium - £15
Large / Extra Large - £20
Please note, we cannot groom or bathe pets with complete flea infestation due to the welfare of other pets that are in our salon. We may terminate your appointment and charge a fee for the slot.
Hand stripping
Hand stripping is a service that ensures the colour and texture of the dog’s natural coat is preserved. It is a time consuming skill and lasts for longer than clipping.
All hand-stripping includes a bath, nail trim and ear clean. It is charged hourly and also depends on the pets coat condition and behaviour. We can fully hand strip your dog nose to tail (show strip), or strip the jacket only (pet strip).
From £75
Matting fees
£8 - £20
Fees vary depending on the severity of matting. Matted and knotty coats take skill and patience to remove.
We require customers to sign an informative matting consent form in house before we clip down/de-matt your pet.
Handling fees
Some pets may require more than one groomer to complete the service. This might be due to a number of reasons such as:
Your pet is very old and can no longer stand. 2 groomers may be required to comfort and hold your dog while the other performs the groom.
Your dog is nervous/ fear aggressive and may need re-assurance for the service to be completed.
Your pet may be very large/overweight and need two pairs of hands to ensure the groom is completed safely.
Double handling fees are charged from £12 extra.
Staying with your pet
We love pets, and your Fur Babies welfare is very important to us. If your pet has behavioural issues that we need your help with, then you may be required to stay. We usually arrange this in early or late appointments, so that your pet has a calm experience with no distractions.
If your dog requires an early, late or solo appointment due to behavioural issues, there will be an extra charge for risk and time. This varies per pet and per situation, so please call and ask for more details.
Late fees
Please collect your Fur Babies within a 30 minute window of when you are called to collect. As much as we love to have them with us, we are sure they would much prefer to be at home with you!
£5 per 30 mins
Small Animals
We all own small animal species too, and they sometimes need grooming too. We also love to have them in for a cuddle!
Pets included are: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, Reptiles and Chickens. We require you to stay nearby/with these animals, and to sign a disclaimer for the service.
Nail trimming:
Cats - £15
Rabbits/ Guinea pigs - £10
Reptiles - £25
Chickens/ Cockerel spurs - £20
We don’t bathe rabbits, but we can give them a brush over and trim to keep them neat.
Rabbit brush/de –shed & nails - £25
Guinea pig bath/ brush & nails - £20
Teeth Cleaning
Full session 30 minutes (tartar on each tooth) - £40
Maintenance session 15 minutes (slight build up or tartar)- £25
Clean teeth added to groom (Regular appointments once tartar is removed)- £15
Teeth cleaning is followed with an enzymatic toothpaste to protect the
Please note:
We may refuse teeth cleaning on pets with loose teeth, gum disease or rotten teeth.
We require each client to sign a disclaimer before the service is completed.