Spa Treatments
Why not pamper your Fur Baby and add a relaxing spa session to their groom?
Blueberry & Vanilla Facial
Treat your fur baby to a hydrating facial to balance and restore skin strength, as well as help remove staining from faces. Suitable for all breeds, especially light coloured breeds like Bichons and Westies or dogs with skin folds such as mastiffs and bulldogs.
Deep Sea Mud Treatment
Our mud bath will exfoliate, hydrate and rebuild your dogs coat. Your Fur Baby will get a warm wash, and then receive a relaxing mud bath massage treatment which is left on the coat for 10 minutes.
Deep Cleanse Pawdicure
Your pets paws will be sanitised of dirt and bacteria. The oatmeal and milk thistle blend ensures paws are moisturised and soothed. Paw balm is applied to finish to protect, heal and moisturise the pads (nail varnish not included).